Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Beware the Winter of Our Discontent

One of the most pathetic arguments for voting for Donald Trump reveals the disadvantage of casting any ballot out of fear.
By the end of this election campaign, the best that Republicans could muster was the desperate plea: "Vote for Trump because Hillary is worse!"
Fear is the emotion that most limits one's perspective. It narrows the victim's choices down to the nearest port in the storm, even if it's inhabited by scary clowns.
Thankfully, this season of fright is almost over. Unfortunately, we'll be entering the Winter of our discontent. No, "discontent" is too tame. When Trump loses to Hillary (the Establishment plan all along) and the Republican nominee leads his followers in chants of "The election was rigged!" whipping them into a frenzy of outrage, the next plan will be initiated as a natural consequence- a bonus, if you will.
Second only to fear, anger is the worst impetus for achieving goals. While fear acts to limit one's choices to the one thing most readily available, no matter how bad it might be, anger narrows one's choices to the most self-destructive options.
Ecclesiastes 7:9 warns believers, "Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools."
Proverbs 25:28 tells us that "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." That will enrage Trump supporters even further.
You see, an angry populace is a vulnerable populace- easily manipulated by the oligarchy.  Instead of adopting a recommitment to restoring Conservative values and campaigning for competent representatives, the new "Angry Americans" will turn toward vengeance like a dog returns to its vomit. No matter how angry you may be, emotion is never as effective as responsible citizenship.
If you think Republicans were played during this election, just wait. Their stoked and unresolved anger will lead inevitably to depression, surrender, and resigned submission. And that's exactly where Progressives want them.
I suggest that Trump teach his followers a new chant, whether he wins or loses: "Foo! Lie! Mah!" Repeat this over and over, faster and faster until you get the message.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Day After

November 9, 2016

In less than three weeks, Americans will know the identity of our next President.

My money is on Hillary.

Democrats will revel in the fact that the U.S. elected its first female President, even though the celebration will violate the Left's own draconian campaign against gender definitions.

Putin, Assad and other rising world powers will rejoice in the status-quo, while Israel will quietly continue to pursue an accumulation of weapons needed to defend herself against anti-Semites.

Minorities will comfort themselves with the false hope that the Democratic Party will continue to provide all the parental support they need while pretending they aren't being used to empower Socialism.

Conservatives and Constitutionalists will wonder how much longer we can hang on to our Republic.

And I will continue to teach Our Nation's Foundations to Intermediate students as I pray that some of them will become the Patriots we need to save our nation.

If Trump happens to pull out a win, American Nationalists will celebrate the ascension of their populist demagogue leader, pledging their fealty to the "Republican" autocrat as they anticipate all the creative ways The Donald will punish his detractors.

World leaders will gleefully roll their eyes at the folly of the American electorate gullible enough to elect an egotistical buffoon with such little knowledge of the Constitution. They will wonder how many ways they can manipulate such a capricious, self-absorbed clown living out his delusions of grandeur.

Conservatives and Constitutionalists will wonder how much longer we can hang on to our Republic.

And I will continue to teach Our Nation's Foundations to Intermediate students as I pray that some of them will become the Patriots we need to save our nation.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Principles? Who Needs 'Em?

The Republican Party has succeeded in lowering their standards of morality to match the levels of the Democratic Left.

One Republican nominee supporter is pictured proudly wearing a T-shirt she decorated herself that proclaims, "Trump can grab my" with an arrow pointing to her pubic area.

The same Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who led the Conservatives' rebuke of Bill Clinton's indescretions are now leading the Trumpologist Parade. We're all RepublicRats now.

Trumpology. It's a thing now, proving The Donald absolutely correct when he boasted, "I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose a single supporter."

I can hear it now: the justification by comparison. "But Hillary killed FOUR in Benghazi!"

Because of the Trump phenomenon, Republicans will never again be able to claim higher moral ground. By nominating Trump, Republicans have admitted that they'll abandon nearly every principle for the win. What they don't admit is that whether Trump wins or loses, we've all lost the final vestiges of morality. Because, if we're willing to compromise some principles to get Trump elected, there's no limit to the compromises we'll make to ride along on the Trumpology Tour.

And, once we've traded in our principles to elect Trump, we'll be ready to accept the tyranny of anyone who is the "lesser of two evils".

Who needs principles when we can have Populism?

After eight years of Democratic rule by an autocrat giving liberals what they've always thought they wanted (Separation of Powers be damned), our nation is ripe for the Nationalistic Populism warned of by Plato and James Madison. See

Abandoning principles of morality is the final symptom of dysfuntional Democracy. We've already jettisoned principles of a Constitutional Republic.

That's how we got here.

So, Republican or Democrat, pick your poison. You know you want to.