This morning, on the Bill Bennett Show on 660 The Answer, I caught bits and pieces of an interview with Samuel Tadros, the author of this new book:
This radio interview, juxtaposed with the heinous jihadist attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper employees and officers in Paris, causes many to wonder why radical Muslims continue to uphold 6th century traditions and religious tenets.
Islam is actually the latest interpretation of monotheism, based on the whims and “insights” of one man: Muhammed (c. 570-632 CE). Many of his writings reveal an amalgam and corruption of the monothestic Jewish and Christian faiths.
While Charlie Hebdo was an equal-opportunity religion-basher, printing cartoons poking fun at Jewish and Catholic representatives as well as the Muslim “Prophet”, murderous assault was not perpetrated upon the French news agency by adherents of the Bible, but by those who revere the Koran.
If Coptic Christians are considering the wisdom of modernizing their practice, why hasn’t the world-wide Islamic population risen up to condemn violence wrought by their own fundamentalists, and committed themselves to updating their sermons to exclude bloody jihad? This unanswered question condemns the Islamic religion as a whole.
By extension, one might wonder whether secular Judaism has replaced strict adherence to the commandments in the Torah. Even the most pious Orthodox Jew does not obey the vengeance taught in the Old Testament.
What about “Fundamental Christianity”? Is this religion stuck in the 1st century? Or would it be more relevant, dynamic and attractive (let alone potent!) by allowing its teachings to include the 20th century truths found in the study of particle physics?
“Heresy!”, you say? (I’ve actually been told that combining Science and Faith is heretical.) I contend that if everything does not prove the truth of Christ, then nothing will. I don’t believe in the Divine Creator and Savior, I can scientifically prove Christed Metaphysics.
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