Sunday, June 28, 2015

R.I.P. U.S.A.

It's been an historic week. The Supreme Court upheld the "Affordable" Care Act by usurping the Legislative Branch and rewriting the failing law, and violating the 10th Amendment. The next day, by a 5 to 4 margin, they ruled that every state must honor homosexual marriages, redefining matrimony and violating states' rights.

I have to admit, the plan was brilliant (diabolical). In 7 short years, the Left has used a variety of weapons to destroy our Republic. Yes, I know it was fragile with abuse and neglect before this current administration, but the agenda was exponentially advanced under Obama. Making lies and deception the norm, devaluing objective Truth, labeling dissent as bigotry, and flouting Constitutional Law, we have suffered the 4-pronged attack that brought US down. See Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

We are now an Oligarchy. 
For those uninformed citizens who believe the U.S. is a Democracy, (democracy definition: A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. Note: Democratic institutions, such as parliaments, may exist in a monarchy.), you are mistaken. The Founders established a Constitutional Republic. A constitutional republic is a state in which the head of state and other officials are representatives of the people. They must govern according to the existing constitution. In the U.S. constitutional republic, executive, legislative, and judicial powers are separated into distinct, co-equal branches

On Thursday, the benefits of 6.5 million people outweighed the rest (315 million), violating the Commerce Clause by forcing every citizen to purchase health care insurance. On Friday, the wishes of a mere 3% outweighed the other 98% of the American population by forcing every state to honor homosexual marriage. The 10th Amendment was sacrificed both times to achieve these rulings. The 14th Amendment was twisted out of proportion to justify it. (The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.) For some time now, the majority of states have honored homosexual marriage or offered civil unions that guarantee equal protection under the law. 

SCOTUS and this current administration have forsaken the Constitutional Republic and turned our nation into an Oligarchy of the few and elite.
ol·i·gar·chy - äləˌɡärkē/
a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

The saddest result of this past week is the way it has divided our nation. For this reason alone, we will fall (and it is impossible for me to believe that those who fomented this division don't know it.) 

Rainbow lights illuminated the White House after the Gay Marriage ruling, just to rub it in. I'm sure the 3% homosexual population was touched by the gesture, and I wonder when the Straight Pride flag is scheduled to fly over The People's House. (I won't hold my breath.)

On Facebook, I was blocked by someone who posted her celebratory response to the Gay Marriage ruling. She posted: "Equality for all!!!Yep, time to get the tissues...and await the fanatics on the right's hateful response." I replied: "It's not hateful to maintain the traditional meaning of the word 'marriage', to understand that this issue is extra-Constitutional (meaning the Supreme Court has no legitimate jurisdiction to violate the 10th Amendment), or be concerned that 'marriage equality' will now run rampant with aberrant definitions, including polygamy, bestiality and incest. I don't hate anyone. I'm a Constitutionalist, not a bigot." I guess she doesn't believe in equal rights for all after all. I saw many Facebook posts celebrating their opinion that they agreed with the Supreme Court bestowing "equal rights" to gays, then vilifying anyone who dared post a dissent. President Obama, in his victory speech, suggested that those who oppose this ruling must inevitably change their minds. Orwell's 1984 is now our reality. The persecution of Conservatives, Christians and Traditionalists will escalate.

Ben Franklin said our Founders had given us a Republic, if we can keep it. We've failed them. Our nation is no longer the light on a hill - a beacon to those who yearn for liberty. Nor is it the hope of the world - a force for good among nations. As Mark Steyn illustrates in his book, After America"Americans face a choice: you can rediscover the animating principles of the American idea—of limited government, a self-reliant citizenry, and the opportunities to exploit your talents to the fullest—or you can join most of the rest of the western world in terminal decline."  

“ [The] American era is ending in part because a powerful group of Americans wants it to end. The American dream is shrinking because some of our leaders want it to shrink. Decline, in other words, has become a policy objective. And if this decline continues at the current pace, America as we know it will cease to exist. In effect, we will have committed national suicide.” 

I am heartbroken. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

What If My DNA is Wrong?

The Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner kerfuffle got me thinking.

What if my DNA is wrong?

What if my brain tells me I'm a fabulous feline? Like, for years?

I am now convinced that I'm a courageous cat!

From now on, I shall stop shaving, walk on all fours, adopt a human to take care of all my physical needs, get a tail surgically attached, move and reshape my ears, and forsake clothing.

Who's gonna stop me? The bigots? The haters?

I bet I'll get my own Reality Show.

Meow, Baby.