Saturday, April 30, 2016

Letters to the Librarian

Does your local school have a library? This might seem like an absurd question, but many school districts have reduced the library budget so severely that many suffer from empty bookshelves. Some school libraries are staffed by one paraprofessional "Media Specialist" who is also responsible for daily classes in the Computer Lab!
I am fortunate enough to work at a campus where the principal and teachers recognize and appreciate the benefits of a full-service library, so I get to spend all my time serving the library needs of students and staff - albeit at a third of the pay of a Librarian.
When I became the campus librarian in 2012, the campus had not enjoyed full-time library staffing since the school's opening in 2006. Upon accepting the position, I insisted on scheduling classes to come to the Learning Center on a regular basis, to present supplementary lessons as well as recommend and check out books to students.
I was disappointed to find many empty bookshelves when I arrived, so I've taken advantage of the semi-annual public library book sale, where I can choose and purchase relatively new fiction and non-fiction selections for $15.00 per medium size filled box. By the time I find a book for myself and a few for my grandkids or for gifts, my $15 has been well-spent and the rest of the 30-50 volumes are virtually free! I bring the box to school, catalog and label them for circulation, and offer them to my 5th and 6th graders as "New to you!" PTA Book Fairs and a modest budget provided by the district for new trade books have filled up the shelves nicely, with plenty of room for thematic displays.
Since I serve in a two year campus, I use two different themes, modifying them for teacher's schedules. For the first and third years, I showed short video clips from the Travel Channel TV show "Mysteries at the Museum" which solved the "mystery" of a historical object in a few minutes. I also displayed unusual objects from my home and from other teachers, on the top of low bookcases, like in a museum. Large index cards accompaned each artifact, for a student to take and write a short story about it, in return for a small prize. I invite them to become "biblioarcheologists" (a word I made up) and  inform me about how the authors of books they are reading use objects to help tell their stories - "Everything tells a story!"
During these years, I also present my "How We See In 3D" series. I start with a Science lesson, teaching students how we use our two eyes and one brain (a formula!) to see in three dimensions. I show them how my 3D camera uses two lenses to take a photo like our eyes do. They are able to see the photos using the accompanying viewer, to see the two images, taken at slightly different angles, separately, so that the brain automatically overlaps them and dimension is observed.
Photos, especially those viewed in 3D, are ideal artifacts!
My favorite 3D presentation involves teaching the students about the science and history of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake by letting them view stereocards created hours or days after the catastrophe, through a Victorian stereoscope manufactured in 1901. I enjoy telling them the story of how my grandfather survived the quake when he was their age.
On alternate years, I teach "Our Nation's Foundations" - a supplementary lesson plan that teaches the Constitutional principles of our Republic. My Americana collection decorates the Library, along with displayed books in our circulation about the American Revolution. In the past, I have shown clips from Liberty's Kids, originally broadcast on PBS. Time restraints have eliminated this element recently, but I still teach the lesson as I build a giant graphic on the Library wall.

Our Nation's Foundations wall graphic

Of course, during Presidential election years, I teach students about the process and criteria for candidates. I make sure that the students can never discern my own political biases. I let the Constitution speak for itself, while inviting students to freely express their opinions, rewarding them when they tell me what informed their conclusions. I remind them to exercise their 1st Amendment rights while realizing that others may not share their opinions. I love their expressions of awe and gratitude when I present them with their own pocket Constitution. 
Students enjoy using iPad minis to access links to historical and rap videos posted on interactive bulletin boards posted with QR codes. 
Recently, I asked the students to participate in National School Libraries Week by finishing this prompt: "I love my school library because..."  Here is one from Hope:
"I love my school library because it is an elevator to adventure - the first place I go to look for something new. I thas almost all the books I want to discover. I also learn more about the history of the U.S., which makes me smarter. Plus, reading makes me smarter, too. There are all different kinds of books like mystery, adventure, History, humor, and horror. That lets me try anything new. Other than the library, the librarian is even better. If I have a question, she'll answer. She understands and knows if she has that book or not. She is a great teacher who helps me learn and thinks of creative things for us to do. Bottom line: I love my library."
From Jasmine: "I love my school library becaues there is someone there who cares about our future. And she loves all of us. She helps us with our questions and problems. She's really a teacher to me."
From Peter: "I love my school library because the librarian is a nice, funny, and educational person. She has all my favorite topics for books. She could help you find any book you look for. She has a very good library. She gives us information about government history. I've seen many school libraries, but this is the best out of them all. She has the best books."
From Karli: "I love my school library because it is so pretty and has lots of nice books in there. Our librarian makes it lots nicer. She LOVES her job and it really shows. We are grateful to have a librarian who love us so much."
From Katelyn: "Remember how at the start of 5th grae I didn't take much interest in reading? Now I'm writing my own book and fussing over grammar! Whenever I'm at the library, I feel the calming silence. I think of it as a thinking place where I feel welcome and can get help. Thank you for your help, and I hope others like the library as much as I do."

The Electoral College - For Such a Time as This

Considering the manufactured uproar about the delegate allocation during the Primary Election, we can anticipate more emotion-driven challenges to the Electoral College process in the General Election, especially if Trump is the Republican nominee but loses to HIllary Clinton.

In March, Donald Trump made a phone call to Roger Stone, asking, "Can they really f--- me on this convention?" Trump asked about the delegate counts. "If I have the most [popular] votes, can they really take this away from me?" (from, recently declaring that the candidate from each political party should be determined by counting primary votes instead of electing delegates to vote at the national conventions. This plan sacrifices states' rights and the commitment of grassroots delegates representing their state's voters. Primary processes and delegate allocation is determined by political parties in each state - it is a 10th Amendment issue (see Laboratories of Democracy).

There is already a campaign underway to replace the Electoral College process with a National Popular Vote (NPV). According to this plan, "the winner would be the candidate who received the most popular votes from all 50 states (and DC) on Election Day. When the Electoral College meets in mid-December, the national popular vote winner would receive all of the electoral votes of the enacting states."

"The National Popular Vote interstate compact would not take effect until enacted by states possessing a majority of the electoral votes—that is, enough to elect a President (270 of 538)."

The NPV crusade promises to "guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia." 

Sounds great, right?

Not according to the framers of our Constitution. They "were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power."  How elitist of them! Well, after eight years of abuse of power in the Obama administration, and the demanding bluster of the Trump campaign, we can now appreciate the prescient determination of our nation's founders. 

Further, "the electoral college is also part of compromises satisfy the small states. Under the system of the Electoral College each state had the same number of electoral votes as they have representative in Congress, thus no state could have less then 3."

"Instead of just tallying the total number of votes cast across the nation in presidential elections, votes are counted state-by-state. The winner of the popular vote in each state is awarded the electoral votes for that state. The candidate winning the majority of electoral votes wins. Given this arrangement, it is possible to win the popular vote and lose the electoral vote." But it's the Electoral vote that determines the winner, preserving the integrity of our system of government - a federation of independent states. 

"Each state has a number of electoral votes equal to its number of Senators (two) plus its number of members in the United States House of Representatives (depends on state population)."

"The principle of federalism was and is a critical feature of the American political system. By placing states in this important position in the selection of the country's leader, the Framers sought to maintain the position of states as important entities in the American political system."

"Imagine that presidential elections were not decided state-by-state, but rather by a nationwide popular vote. The significance of states and the candidates' competition for support in key, "swing" states would disappear. Candidates would be inclined to simply run nationwide ad campaigns and visit large population centers."

The reason a National Popular Vote is becoming popular is because our nation's electorate is ignorant of the Constitution and it's principles. The United States is not just the name of our country, but defines a group of indpendent states united in federation (a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central government). 

The Progressives would love to let the voters believe we're a Democracy, in which every vote counts. President Obama is on the record as promoting mandatory voting. Because voters can be manipulated - we're seeing it in the welfare class. It's human nature to approve and promote those who benefit us personally. Over 40% of the U.S. population do not pay income taxes. And most of these receive benefits from the taxpayers. Why wouldn't these voters continue to vote for continued largesse from the public coffers? This is the reason the Left is so adamant in their false claims that requiring voter I.D.s suppresses the vote - the underclass population they have created through generous welfare programs are unused to putting forth individual effort to better themselves - why should they be expected to actually pursue a (free) voter I.D. when their benefactors don't require it? State's laws requiring voter I.D. are just one of the protections against fraud and tyranny. 

The majority rule of Democracy seems like a grand idea until we realize how it is so easily used as a tool for the Oligarchy (a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control. - Wikipedia.)

The idea of a website inviting everyone to vote to promote the National Popular Vote in order to convince states to adopt this alternate system is antithetical to the rule of law which was designed to protect states' rights. 

Just as the delegate process for primary elections benefit the sovereignty of states (or what's left of it), the Electoral College is vital to maintaining a Republican federation guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government".

Read more:

An excellent video argument against NPV can be found here:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day Hype

Sometimes Juan Williams stumbles upon the truth, but continues to plunge on into darkness, undeterred. Today, on The Five (Fox News), he asked why Republicans reject the Climate Change argument, while the Democrats accept it. When challenged by Greg Gutfeld, who has done extensive research on the subject, Juan admitted he hasn't done much reading about it, but believes it's a crisis. 
I'll pause while you laugh, as did the other Republicans at the table. Republicans do their homework. We don't just swallow the propaganda. We use our brains before we engage our emotions and mouths!
On this Earth Day, please recognize that our planet is a closed system. Think of a terrarium. Yes, conditions may change temporarily, but the atmosphere, geology and water quantities do not change. The water cycle will manifest as liquid, gas or ice, but doesn't escape. Petroleum will change form, especially as humans utilize it, but it's still there. Oil spills eventually sink back into the earth from whence it came. Carbon is the building block of all life. It is added to the atmosphere during chemical processes as carbon dioxide. Eventually, it is absorbed back into living things. The Left redefines carbon as evil for the purposes of using fear to gain power and money, and the tactics are heating up. 
President Obama signed the Paris Climate Agreement today, unilaterally pledging U.S. cooperation and redistribute our wealth for a politicized theory that convicts the human race on the crime of causing weather variation. Weather Channel founder John Coleman reveals that "environmentalists, bureaucrats and politicians who make up the U.N.’s climate panel recruit scientists to research the climate issue. And they place only those who will produce the desired results. Money, politics and ideology have replaced science." (Read more:
"Attorney general of New York, Eric T. Schneiderman, has subpoenaed extensive financial records, emails and other documents of Exxon Mobil to investigate whether the company 'lied to the public about the risks of climate change or to investors about how such risk might hurt the oil business,' ... apparently unaware that the claim that the world is endangered by a warming climate is a scientific theory, not a proven fact."  Our federal government, especially during the Obama administration, has generously subsidized failed alternate energy companies and Climate Change scientists in the campaign to promote this theory. Taxpayers are funding the very efforts that are resulting in the punishment of dissenting thought. "Criminal and civil investigations of individuals and other entities over disputed scientific theories are not just legally unjustified, they are immoral and plain un-American.  This is politicized law enforcement of the worst kind." (Read more at
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch (pictured at top) admitted that the Department of Justice has been considering whether people should be prosecuted for the offense of climate change denial.
You will be assimilated. 
The groupthink and Ministry of Truth described in George Orwell's 1984 was meant to be a warning, not a blueprint!
I prefer the skepticism of Senator Cruz:

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sowing the Seeds of Sharia

Recently, female Air France flight attendants expressed outrage over a new requirement to wear headscarves upon deplaning in Tehran, Iran. They called the regulation "true threats to their dignity". With the Paris terror attack still fresh in their memory, this is just one more slap in the face of free citizens. Yet the French government stifles the media from reporting frequent violent protests by Syrian refugees in their country demanding the right of Islamic communities to replace French regulations with Sharia law. 

The Arriba water park in Germany has decided to segregate males and females to specific times they can use certain areas because of recent sexual attacks by migrants. The country already has a costly campaign to design, print and display posters of graphics that explain how male Syrian refugees are expected to treat females. 2016 New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne, Germany were marred by the report of Muslim males physically accosting and sexually assaulting dozens of women.

In Ă–stersund, Sweden, women have been warned against going out alone after dark, citing recent attacks by Muslim men.  Recently, Finnish authorities and Vienna's police chief advised women to avoid going out into the streets at night. 

in Sweden where much of Malmo, the third largest city, is controlled by Muslim immigrant gangs. 
In Britain, a soldier was nearly beheaded by a radical Muslim in broad daylight and dozens of Sharia courts now operate throughout the country, even as Muslim activists demand even more accommodations. 

Europe has been admonished by Turkey's President Erdogan that demanding Muslim refugees to assimilate is "a crime against humanity".  

Read more at National Review

"Those weak Europeans", you might be thinking. "That'll never happen in America!" Think again.
John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who specializes in Islamic terrorism, declared that Michigan, Massachusetts and Minnesota are three states that appear to be putting up the least resistance to Islamization.
“The state of Massachusetts appears to have surrendered to Hamas; Hamtramck, Michigan now has a Muslim majority city council; and the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota is carrying the water for jihadis by putting the weight of the U.S. Attorney’s Office behind the terrorist’s information operation to silence those who speak truthfully about Islam,” Guandolo wrote.
A small town in south-central Nebraska clashes with scores of Somalian Muslim immigrants hired on at a meat packing plant. A demand to expand parking for a mosque that once housed a dry cleaning establishment has piqued a growing contention between longtime rural Lexington families and the cultural divide promoted by the everyday presence of Sharia-compliant residents and business owners. Demands for religious accomodations at Tyson Foods and continued demands from the city council has resulted in a Department of Justice investigation into charges of discrimination. Read more at  Omaha News
Islamic "separatists make full use of the opportunities offered by Western liberal democracies without subscribing to liberal or democratic norms, nor applying them within the confines of their own communities. This situation creates many problems, of which three stand out: schools, Shar'i family law, and cultural exclusion." Read more at
The Cosmos Foundation has quickly become the largest charter school operator in Texas, with 33 Harmony Schools receiving more than $100 million a year in taxpayer funds. "Some of the schools’ operators and founders, and many of their suppliers, are followers of Fethullah Gulen, a charismatic Turkish preacher of a moderate brand of Islam whose devotees have built a worldwide religious, social and nationalistic movement in his name,"  although school officials deny any connection to the Gulen movement and say they do not teach religion. But, now that these schools are embedded in Texas, providing an alternative education opportunity to many seeking options to public schools, how easy would it be to begin indoctrinating young minds to tolerate and accept the Islamic teaching? Several public schools across America must now accomadate Muslim students' adherence to specific prayer times in obedience to Salah? How will other students react when their Muslim classmates are allowed to skip out of class several times a day for secluded prayer? Newsmax and NYTimes
President Obama is doubling down on his promise to allow Syrian refugees into our country by the hundreds of thousands. In fact, The U.S. hasn't yet set an upper limit on the number of Syrian refugees the country will admit; but the government is reportedly currently reviewing between 9,000 and 10,000 resettlement applications from Syrians, and the U.S. currently has an immigration cap of 70,000 total global refugees per year. There are multiple, unconfirmed, reports that planes full of young male Arab-looking "refugees" are being shipping into cities all across the U.S., sometimes given lessons to become proficient in Spanish to blend in more easily!
When unassimilated young men whose culture only "protects" subordinate females are roaming our nation's streets with impunity, will Americans keep their girls and women at home, just to be safe? When barbaric and predatory behavior is excused and subsidized by western governments who punish Islamophobia, will we willingly conform to Sharia Law? 
We are witnessing Sharia enacted by default, in the midst of 21st century Ottoman expansion. Evil is patient, stealthy and relentless in its commitment to rule the world. Seeds have been sown: breathtaking acts of sporadic and unexpected violence, refugee opportunism and refusal to assimiliate, coupled with the West's fear of being labeled Islamophobic has created the perfect environment to harvest worldwide Mohammedism. 
We've forgotten the admonition of our Founders: "Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty." - Wendell Phillips
Read more at WND and here

photo credit: <a href="">Thailand Halal Assembly, Muslimah</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

Saturday, April 2, 2016


March 2, 2016

On the last day of March and the first day of April, fifty world leaders met together in Washington, D.C. to discuss the threats from nuclear proliferation and weaponization. While Russia and the United States can claim to own the vast majority of the world's nuclear arsenal, President Obama warned those in attendance that, "ISIL has already used chemical weapons — there is no doubt if these madmen ever got their hands on a bomb or nuclear material they would use it to kill as many as possible."

M.A.D. Originally, it stood for Mutually Assured Destruction. Now, it means our Commander-in-Chief must be mad, delusional and pathological. 

Like so many utterances during this man's administration, my brain suffers a mild concussion from the cognitive dissonance on display. You know what cognitive dissonance is, because you've been subjected to it repeatedly during the last eight years. The actual definition is, "the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change." 

The Obama administration is currently exploring new options to grant Iran more sanctions relief than promised under the comprehensive nuclear agreement reached last year, described by the President as the "carrot and stick" approach. So far, Iran has enjoyed all the carrots and the world seems to suffer under a beating. Sanctions on a nation still categorized as a major sponsor of terror have been lifted with rapidity, while the Supreme Leader of Iran mocks our leniency by flouting the few remaining restrictions with impunity.

On Thursday, Senators Marco Rubio and Mark Kirk expressed their displeasure at dubious results of President Obama's deal with Iran: “We are gravely alarmed by news reports suggesting the administration is working to give Iran access to the U.S. financial system or to dollar transactions outside of the U.S. financial system. Any such effort would benefit Iran’s financiers of international terrorism, human rights abuses, and ballistic missile threats.”

In January, John Kerry admitted that some of the 55 billion dollars in "relief" provided to Iran, in exchange for nothing more than blatant contempt, "will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists." And in an mind-snapping display of cognitive dissonance, he added, "If we catch them funding terrorism, they are going to have a problem with the United States Congress and other people, obviously. We are confident that this will not result in an increase somehow in the threat to any partner or any friend in the region." Israel would disagree. 

President Obama congratulated himself on Iran's continued misbehavior by telling the world leaders and media, "We cannot be complacent. We have to build on our progress."

There are several conclusions to be drawn by this display of psychopathology. If he believes this rot, he's suffering from denial or delusions. If he wants us to believe this rot, he suffers from a manipulation disorder. Nuclear proliferation is just his bogeyman of the moment. The fact that the majority of Americans don't call him out for being a pathological liar is what should really scare us.