Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sowing the Seeds of Sharia

Recently, female Air France flight attendants expressed outrage over a new requirement to wear headscarves upon deplaning in Tehran, Iran. They called the regulation "true threats to their dignity". With the Paris terror attack still fresh in their memory, this is just one more slap in the face of free citizens. Yet the French government stifles the media from reporting frequent violent protests by Syrian refugees in their country demanding the right of Islamic communities to replace French regulations with Sharia law. 

The Arriba water park in Germany has decided to segregate males and females to specific times they can use certain areas because of recent sexual attacks by migrants. The country already has a costly campaign to design, print and display posters of graphics that explain how male Syrian refugees are expected to treat females. 2016 New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne, Germany were marred by the report of Muslim males physically accosting and sexually assaulting dozens of women.

In Ă–stersund, Sweden, women have been warned against going out alone after dark, citing recent attacks by Muslim men.  Recently, Finnish authorities and Vienna's police chief advised women to avoid going out into the streets at night. 

in Sweden where much of Malmo, the third largest city, is controlled by Muslim immigrant gangs. 
In Britain, a soldier was nearly beheaded by a radical Muslim in broad daylight and dozens of Sharia courts now operate throughout the country, even as Muslim activists demand even more accommodations. 

Europe has been admonished by Turkey's President Erdogan that demanding Muslim refugees to assimilate is "a crime against humanity".  

Read more at National Review

"Those weak Europeans", you might be thinking. "That'll never happen in America!" Think again.
John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who specializes in Islamic terrorism, declared that Michigan, Massachusetts and Minnesota are three states that appear to be putting up the least resistance to Islamization.
“The state of Massachusetts appears to have surrendered to Hamas; Hamtramck, Michigan now has a Muslim majority city council; and the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota is carrying the water for jihadis by putting the weight of the U.S. Attorney’s Office behind the terrorist’s information operation to silence those who speak truthfully about Islam,” Guandolo wrote.
A small town in south-central Nebraska clashes with scores of Somalian Muslim immigrants hired on at a meat packing plant. A demand to expand parking for a mosque that once housed a dry cleaning establishment has piqued a growing contention between longtime rural Lexington families and the cultural divide promoted by the everyday presence of Sharia-compliant residents and business owners. Demands for religious accomodations at Tyson Foods and continued demands from the city council has resulted in a Department of Justice investigation into charges of discrimination. Read more at  Omaha News
Islamic "separatists make full use of the opportunities offered by Western liberal democracies without subscribing to liberal or democratic norms, nor applying them within the confines of their own communities. This situation creates many problems, of which three stand out: schools, Shar'i family law, and cultural exclusion." Read more at
The Cosmos Foundation has quickly become the largest charter school operator in Texas, with 33 Harmony Schools receiving more than $100 million a year in taxpayer funds. "Some of the schools’ operators and founders, and many of their suppliers, are followers of Fethullah Gulen, a charismatic Turkish preacher of a moderate brand of Islam whose devotees have built a worldwide religious, social and nationalistic movement in his name,"  although school officials deny any connection to the Gulen movement and say they do not teach religion. But, now that these schools are embedded in Texas, providing an alternative education opportunity to many seeking options to public schools, how easy would it be to begin indoctrinating young minds to tolerate and accept the Islamic teaching? Several public schools across America must now accomadate Muslim students' adherence to specific prayer times in obedience to Salah? How will other students react when their Muslim classmates are allowed to skip out of class several times a day for secluded prayer? Newsmax and NYTimes
President Obama is doubling down on his promise to allow Syrian refugees into our country by the hundreds of thousands. In fact, The U.S. hasn't yet set an upper limit on the number of Syrian refugees the country will admit; but the government is reportedly currently reviewing between 9,000 and 10,000 resettlement applications from Syrians, and the U.S. currently has an immigration cap of 70,000 total global refugees per year. There are multiple, unconfirmed, reports that planes full of young male Arab-looking "refugees" are being shipping into cities all across the U.S., sometimes given lessons to become proficient in Spanish to blend in more easily!
When unassimilated young men whose culture only "protects" subordinate females are roaming our nation's streets with impunity, will Americans keep their girls and women at home, just to be safe? When barbaric and predatory behavior is excused and subsidized by western governments who punish Islamophobia, will we willingly conform to Sharia Law? 
We are witnessing Sharia enacted by default, in the midst of 21st century Ottoman expansion. Evil is patient, stealthy and relentless in its commitment to rule the world. Seeds have been sown: breathtaking acts of sporadic and unexpected violence, refugee opportunism and refusal to assimiliate, coupled with the West's fear of being labeled Islamophobic has created the perfect environment to harvest worldwide Mohammedism. 
We've forgotten the admonition of our Founders: "Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty." - Wendell Phillips
Read more at WND and here

photo credit: <a href="">Thailand Halal Assembly, Muslimah</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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