President-Elect Trump's appointment of Betsy DeVos, a devoted proponent of school choice has sparked a full-frontal freak-out by public education unionists.
I'm currently involved in a Facebook debate with a teacher who insists that our "Democracy" depends on generously fueling the socialist school system, horrified at the thought of competition.
My initial salvo:
Encouraging private schools does not have to destroy public schools. Competition tends to float all boats.
Her response: However I have not seen any research based evidence from your point of view. I am very open to hearing all sides. I believe competition is good, I just understand that competition does not have room for special needs, or other issues that take away from the bottom line. Again police, fire department, military.
Mine: While I don't consider police, fire dept. or military to be an apples to apples comparison with education, I think the mere existence of a myriad of private security providers proves the need and desire for the option. I think of education as a non-emergency service, like restaurants and tax-preparers and cleaning services, and retail stores, etc. If government can facilitate education better than the private sector, why aren't these tax-payer funded, as well? Justice is also a consideration. When I unschooled my daughter for nine years, I paid over $2,000 in school taxes every year, but did not utilize any local school benefits. Thankfully, I discovered that my daughter could receive a robust education using a free library card and low or no cost learning opportunities in and around Fort Worth, but imagine what I could have done with $20,000! I don't have a problem with a society deciding to authorize a state to demand taxes for education, but I believe a parent ought to be able to use those funds for the methods that best serve their own children.
Hers: Our society and democracy is not based on "Me" We did not become who we are with the "This is mine, don't touch." That is what we have become in the last 30 years. Very self centered. We have forgotten that many people before us paid their taxes as well when they had no children, or their kids had already gone through school. They were paying their taxes to help us all as a country. We can not now turn our backs on those that come after us. Even though that seems to be the belief by the last 2 generations. We will not exactly be known as the "Greatest Generation" that is for sure. If you choose to "unschooled" your child, that was your choice. No said you couldn't . If you choose to pay for private school, that is your choice. To be part of this society, you have to contribute if you are able to help the greater good.
I countered with the following: Actually, our nation was founded as a Capitalist Republic - a meritocracy (through hard work), facilitated by the individual power of unalienable rights. I realize we have become a Democratic Socialism over the years, which is what you have described,but that's not how it started. I prefer to protect our unalienable rights in a Republic, creating wealth in a free market (rather than just redistributing it) which is doing the MOST good.
I added some learning resources, as well: Democracy vs. Republic and On Democracy vs. Liberty
Why are we surprised at the recent election debacle, let alone the sad state of public schools, when our tax dollars are being spent to fund an industry that creates professional teachers who don't know the difference between a Republic and a Democracy?
Teachers' unions are not interested in teaching the facts as much as they are interested in sustaining the perpetual money machine that funds their job security, even if it means perpetuating the fallacy that we live in a Socialist utopia that properly denies parents the right to choose the best education for their children.
It's not just our hard-earned tax dollars that are feeding this dystopian machine, it's the liberties of future generations. Some people think that's a fair exchange. I will continue to fight against it.
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