Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Broken Promises

There was a single soldier, living in a rough neighborhood, trying to raise his young daughter.

Friends who lived in another, safer, neighborhood had promised to help him care for his little girl when he was busy fighting the enemies of his country. They were steadfast in aid and comfort for years.

Eventually, this young man was able to expand his territory, refurbishing abandoned homes and renting them out to responsible owners. He was hoping to improve his neighborhood, but crime continued, while hoodlums bent on violence continued to roam the streets, bent on harassing the peaceful residents.

Then, inexplicably, his friends decided that he was being greedy by investing in more property in the troubled neighborhood. They excused the criminals by accusing the soldier of being bigoted against them! When they looked after his daughter, they exposed her to the dangers of the hooligans, telling her that she was at fault for living in their territory!

Finally, the father had enough of their betrayal and lectured them for their misguided philosophy. "Why don't they move into and stay in neighborhoods where they are welcome?" he asked. "Why do they threaten our way of life just because they can't seem to improve their own?!" But his former friends would not listen to his reasoning and continued to berate him and his daughter for "hating" the violent, homeless criminals by trying to bring peace and prosperity to their community.


Actually, this is not a story about a single father trying to improve the life of his daughter.

This is a story about what Israel is experiencing right now. The United States has forsaken her promise to help protect and sustain the state of Israel, as she attempts to survive in an area of the Middle East where enemies surround them and threaten their very existence.

Watch Dennis Prager explain the Middle East problem.

President Obama and his U.N. representative, Samantha Power, made the conscious decision to abstain from voting against a resolution to condemn Israel for building homes on their own land, citing the barrier this has become to the "Palestinians". Today, Secretary of State, John Kerry, admonished Israel for standing in the way of "peace" by refusing to let her enemies destroy her.

If the Arabs living in Israeli territory need land for homes, why don't the surrounding Arab countries give them land to build on? Because it's not about land. It's about anti-Semitism. The Palestinians and most Arabs will not be satisfied until Israel is "driven into the sea" and all Jews are dead. 

By siding with the Palestinians, the Obama administration has aligned the U.S. with anti-Semitism.

Watch Benjamin Netanyahu's brilliant response here.

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