Biblical prophecy foretells of an event in which a religious usurper and his followers “shall profane the sanctuary, even the fortress, and shall take away the continual burnt-offering, and they shall set up the abomination that maketh desolate.”— Daniel 11:31 (ASV)
This verse may very well pertain to something yet to come, but I would argue that an abomination that causes desolation occurred on March 8, 2017, outside the Cathedral of Tucuman, Argentina.
An idolatrous celebration of radical feminism culminated in a disgusting pantomime of abortionists murdering the infant Jesus by ripping the Messiah from the womb of his mother, Mary, as she proudly thrust her defiant fist in the air.
This is blasphemy of the highest order. These women are not protesting the Catholic doctrine or Christian tradition or even common decency. They are rallying for their own oppression.
Besides denying the life-giving, honorable, beautiful, irreplaceable purpose bestowed upon women from the beginning of time, these protestors are contradicting the very facts of history since the incarnation.
Before the coming of Yeshua, everyday life was a dismal, oppressed existence for females, even in the most progressive cultures of the time. According to Probe Ministries, “In ancient Greece, a respectable woman was not allowed to leave the house unless she was accompanied by a trustworthy male escort. A wife was not permitted to eat or interact with male guests in her husband’s home; she had to retire to her woman’s quarters. Men kept their wives under lock and key, and women had the social status of a slave. Girls were not allowed to go to school, and when they grew up they were not allowed to speak in public. Women were considered inferior to men.”
In fact, if Mary had not opted to give birth to her unplanned child, women all over the world might be suffering Sharia Law that females experience in Muslim countries today. According to Dr. Alvin Schmidt, in his book, How Christianity Changed the World, “Christianity is the best thing that ever happened to women.”
Muslim rule “is the polar opposite of what the New Testament says regarding a man’s relationship with his wife. Paul told the Christians in Ephesus, ‘Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.’ And he added, ‘He who loves his wife loves himself.’"{3}
Jesus acknowledged and engaged women in equal conversation about lofty ideas! He elevated Mary of Magdalene and Martha to discipleship. Women are portrayed in vital roles in history regarding both the birth and death of the Savior of the world. Jesus displayed mercy toward a woman who would be stoned in the Middle East for her crime of adultery today.
The Apostle Paul, writing epistles in the society in which he lived and ministered, admonished church leaders and husbands to treat women with respect at all times, acknowledging that women are also made in God’s image. Paul even went so far as to invite women to pray aloud during worship services! The Apostle Peter taught the churches that women are more than objects of desire and beauty, or baby factories, instructing the females of the flock that their true adornment should be found in a beautiful moral character of service.
Current radical feminism that blasphemes the incarnation of our true liberator is a wanton return to female oppression and desolation of spirit. This should be an abomination to everyone, as revealed by this revolting display of ignorance and sacrilege.
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