Especially this one. Because it's not really about me. It's about the future of our Republic.
In October of 2016, I received an email push from Constituting America, promoting their organization's We the Future Contest.
I had just finished polishing up my Our Nation's Foundations lessons that I present every other year in the public intermediate school where I serve as Library Specialist, so I had the pdf updated and saved. Considering the work that this fine organization does, I decided to go ahead and enter the Best Teacher Lesson Plan contest, in the hopes that my efforts would at least be seen by those who promote Constitutional studies. Then, I promptly forgot about it.
On February 1, 2017, I received another email from Constituting America, congratulating me on winning the contest! At the end of April, I received a large box of goodies.
On May 4, I received the promised monetary prize of $2,000!
The best reward is knowing that my efforts will be promoted much further than my Library. My hope is that many teachers, librarians, parents and church leaders will utilize the lesson plan that demonstrates Our Nation's Foundations by creating a giant graphic on a wall depicting the Bedrock of Natural Law that guarantees our Unalienable Rights, the layer honoring the Rule of Law by displaying the original 17 federal laws in our Constitution, the five Pillars of Principle: Limited Government, Individual Liberty, Personal Responsibility, National Security and Private Enterprise, supporting our 3 Separate but Equal Branches of Government: Executive Branch, Judicial Branch and Legislative Branch.
Here is the pdf: Our Nation's Foundations
Here is a video of my PowerPoint, for older students and adults:
Constituting America was founded by actress Janine Turner and patriot Cathy Gillespie. The mission of Constituting America is to utilize new and innovative means to reach, educate and inform America's citizens and youth about the importance of the U.S. Constitution and the foundation it sets forth regarding our freedoms and rights.
This organization encourages patriots of all ages to enter their contests to learn and promote Constitutional education by offering impressive prizes for the winners.
While still in her teens, Janine's daughter, Juliette wrote and published two excellent resources for students: Our Constitution Rocks! and Our Presidents Rock! She continues to work with Constituting America to promote patriotism.
As a Librarian, I encourage everyone to "check it out!" You may be their next winner.
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