Monday, May 25, 2015

Heroes Need Boys

I work as a Paraprofessional Librarian at a public Intermediate school. Our mascot is a Knight. So, of course the 6th graders go to Medieval Times for their final field trip. This year, their matching T-shirts had an impressive knight in school colors on the front, and a quote from one of their required reading books: "There are fair maidens to rescue! Dragons to slay!" - Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick.

Since this school year is almost over, I can't help thinking about after school activities I might host for next year. (Educators never stop thinking of ways to educate.) Observing the destructive frustration of 10-12 year old boys who don't fit the Schooling Mold and are assigned to a Behavioral Intervention Classroom (B.I.C.) makes me wonder if our boys don't have enough opportunities to release their inner heroes.

Recently, I made the mistake of posting a status on Facebook, outlining a plan for a Heroes Training Club for those boys who resent what they perceive as wasted time in the classroom. You'd think I'd taken a personal swipe at every teacher. Defensive, much? I'm a rebel, I know - I'd rather pick D - All of the above, when it comes to education.

I cowered from the stinging rebuke for a few days, but I am still compelled to reach out to students, especially boys, who need something more than grade-gratification from written assignments. Here's what I'm thinking:

H.E.R.O. Training

H - Helping
E - Everyone
R - Realize
O - Opportunities

An 8 - week after-school "club" teaching skills and attitudes that cultivate the Hero in every boy (or girl), including prepping for emergencies and survival and making habits of recognizing and meeting needs of others around them.

If nothing else, I want them to realize that, in any and every situation and circumstance, they will be either a blessing or a burden. Choosing to be the blessing is the stuff of heroes.

If you have any ideas for activities or information for this endeavor, please let me know.

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