Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Progressive Utopia

U.S. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was invited to speak to a gathering in Seattle, Washington, "the most progressive city" in the nation. That's when his own ideology slapped him upside the head.

You see, Progressivism (a "purer" form of Democracy) preaches equality of outcomes regardless of circumstance, with everyone having an unfettered voice in government. Sounds lovely (until the screaming starts).

Here's a glimpse of reality. Video: A Progressive Utopia

I couldn't have illustrated it better myself.

What can you expect after nearly eight years of fomenting economic, geopolitical, and moral decay, coupled with relentless class and racial warfare, under the Obama administration?

And this, dear children, is why we can't have nice things under Democratic Socialism.

Our Founders, in their divinely inspired wisdom, gave us a Constitutional Republic, in which the People retain the power over limited government, electing representatives accountable under the restraint of a strict separation and balance of powers. Monarchy wasn't the only form of government they found revolting. Thomas Jefferson was a student of historical world governments. Pure Democracy, like pure Communism, is a fantasy, unrealized in this world (unless you count the bloody tyrannical dictatorships that they became).

Yet Progressives keep pushing it under the guise of Democratic Socialism. Why?

Being a student of history, Jefferson and the other Founders knew why. Because, in the real world, Democratic Socialism is the user-friendly term for Oligarchy. Definition: "a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few." This arrangement is best obtained by the advice and consent of those governed. In other words, if the masses can be duped into begging for it, well, someone should oblige! Get a boisterous, unemployed minority so worked up about "social justice" that they wreak havoc in the streets and the majority will demand drastic measures. And who better to "restore order" than the elite, who know best how to mold and shape the masses into demanding bigger government ruled by elites?!

The plan is working perfectly.

Be careful what you ask for.

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