A caller to the Rush Limbaugh radio show on December 2, 2015 made a brilliant observation. He said that the Left is offended by people like Limbaugh and Cruz because they are truth-tellers. Rush took it further by suggesting that Progressives have so thoroughly replaced reality with their own deceptions that they can't recognize Truth anymore!
How else can we explain the latest delusions of Harry Reid, who accuses Republicans of being the party of racism? Or President Obama, who, mere weeks after the Paris attack, shocked his host country of France during the Climate Change Conference by repeating the lie that mass shootings don't happen anywhere but the U.S.?
This is a moral failing that endangers us all! 1 John 1:8 identifies those who cannot embody Truth as those who cannot recognize their own failings. Galatians 4:16 accuses unbelievers of being offended by the Truth. 2 Timothy 3:13 says evildoers and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Liberal leaders are creating a fantasy land in their own minds, expecting us all to buy into their dystopian delusions. No wonder the U.S. economy, morality, and geopolitical influence have been crippled - the Progressive agenda is based on the workings of delusional psychoses!
How else could they think that printing money to shore up the stock market, neglecting to count over 90,000 potential workers in the unemployment numbers, defending organ donations after infanticide, equating homosexual unions with holy matrimony, blaming guns for murders, trusting Iran to stop their nuclear weapons program, blaming Israel for unrest in the Middle East, preaching that Climate Change is more of a national security threat than Islamic terrorism, etc, are grounded in anything that resembles Truth?!
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