Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Fast Road to Communism

I work as an Intermediate School Librarian. Part of my job is to read the books in my circulation, especially those that may use themes or language that are inappropriate for students ages 10-12. My current reading selection is "A Night Divided", by Jennifer A. Nielsen, about a 12 year old girl and her family who became separated when the Berlin Wall is erected.

The Berlin Wall was built by Russia to punish Germany for losing WWII, inflicting their oppressive Democratic Socialism upon citizens of East Berlin.

As any book about that era between 1961 and 1989 will reveal, the Wall was a three-dimensional solid barrier dividing the Western Democratic reconstruction from the Communist despotism of East Germany. Freedom and Subjugation lived side by side for 28 years. People risked their lives and the lives of their families to escape the brutality, poverty and indoctrination of the East Berlin government.

At first, the Soviets pretended to serve the needs of the East Berliners and "protect" them from the "Fascism" of Capitalism growing in West Berlin. Too soon, citizens suffered under the heavy hand of the Stasi - the security service of the newly-formed German Democratic Republic (known as the GDR, which was neither Democratic nor Republican). These officers spied on citizens, brutally punishing any signs of dissent. Because of the lack of free market competition, East Berlin began suffering from shortages nearly as severe as the rationing of food and supplies during WWII. Since the GDR outlawed individualism, it was impossible to improve one's situation through industry or creativity, as everything legally belonged to the State.

This describes the reality of Democratic Socialism! You can put a friendly face on it, but it's still the direct road to despotic Marxist Communism, defined as "a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism." 

Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialist running for U.S. President

Vladimir Lenin said, "Democracy and Socialism are inseparable." Despots know that the best way to institute Communism is to convince Democrats to vote for Socialism. Communism is pure deception, fooling the serfs into believing that everything will be shared equally. Communism, in actuality, proven historically, is government by elite oligarchs who force the populace to work themselves to death in constant deprivation for the promise of a share in what is left over after the leaders get the best of everything. 

I am stunned and sickened by the candidacy of an avowed Democratic Socialist. Progressive Democrats are foisting Socialism on the U.S. as quickly as possible, but for Bernie Sanders to garner half or more of votes by Democrats proves that the "transformation" Barack Obama promised has been more successful than anyone expected. 

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