Like many words during the past eight years, the term "compromise" has been redefined by the Obama administration to mean, "We don't give up until you give in." This position, coupled with their blatant lies happily disseminated by the mainstream media, unjustly painting Conservatives as haters, results in sliding the Overton Window further Leftward. Progressives, defining their very name, have learned the trick of asking for a pony and receiving a kitten, even when We the Parents didn't want a pet at all. That's not compromise, that's surrender.
The historical meaning of "compromise" is this: While shopping for a second car, I want a blue Subaru, but my husband wants a gray Honda. True compromise might result in purchasing a blue Honda or a gray Subaru. Democrats' idea of a compromise means we come home with a camel, because they are "better for the environment" and "it's not fair that you can afford a car and others can't".
And the Republicans We the Tea Party sent to Washington to stop this foolishness accepted this new definition because they were afraid of being called names.
As I write this, I'm listening to Mark Davis on 660 The Answer call "#NeverTrump" adherents "cultish", declaring they have "blood on their hands" for pledging to stay home if Trump and Clinton are the choices at the ballot box. Hyperventilate much?
I, and many others have calmly decided not to compromise when we cast our vote for President. This is a bad thing? Ted Cruz has been my choice from the beginning because he is a consistent, Conservative Constitutionalist who knows and honors the founding principle of the Rule of Law - since the job of a President is to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution." If Rubio had been our nominee, I would have gladly compromised and voted for him to help block a Hillary Presidency, because Rubio is a Conservative Republican and true Patriot. That's what true compromise looks like.
If Trump is the nominee, I will not be derelict in my duty as a citizen by voting for someone who has no track record of Conservatism or Constitutionalism, but has consistently demonstrated a dangerous egotism, erratic self-control, vulgar vitriol, and self-serving pronouncements. Isn't that how we got into the mess we have now?! No thank you.
I refuse to confess to my grandchildren that I compromised my principles by voting for Donald Trump.
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