Saturday, March 26, 2016

I'm a Prayer

It all started with crop circles.

On our weekly trip to the public library for my unschooled daughter to borrow her limit of 50 books, I spotted a book by Freddy Silva, entitled Secrets in the Fields, the Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles.  Now, I consider this to be the Crop Circle Bible.

I spent the next 6 months studying this book (I purchased my own copy), as well as anything else I could obtain that explained quantum physics and mechanics, the electromagnetic spectrum, spiritual energy and metaphysics.

Before long, I had made an astounding connection: if the quantum mechanics of the electromagnetic spectrum is eternal - that is, energy, once created by an immortal Consciousness that energized nothing into something, has no end - and everything is a product of Light (very biblical!), then our thoughts and prayers hold eternal power to change reality. We're ridin' the Wave, Baby!

So, I wrote as fast as I could, putting those ephemeral thoughts on paper. I consider it my opus. Find it here, if you'd like to read it: Superstring Theory in Seven Dimensions - a Quantum Physics Approach to Prayer

Since then, I have lived with the knowledge beyond faith that God is real, my consciousness is a part of the Whole, everything is eternal and prayer is more powerful than most believers will ever admit.

photo credit: <a href="">Firefox Crop Circle</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

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