Monday, March 7, 2016

Ignorance is Fatal

We've all seen them - "The Man on the Street" interviews displaying woeful ignorance of U.S. History and Civics.

Who is our Nation's Capitol Named For?

We shouldn't be surprised that we're so close to losing our Constitutional Republic. We're not paying attention. No one is minding the store! The people we've sent to Washington, D.C. to represent us are free to do whatever they like because the electorate isn't holding them accountable.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. A Republic is only as safe as the restraints placed upon it by its citizens. We the People have not protected the Limited Government our Constitution proscribes because the majority of us are ignorant of Constitutional principles!

So, because we didn't do our job to restrain government, many of us are angry. You'd think this would be a wake-up call to commit ourselves to electing the most consistent, Conservative Constitutionalist for President.

Sadly, ignorance is a two-edged sword, hacking our Republic to pieces. Instead of being informed and educated enough to unite behind Ted Cruz, many voters are choosing to support the Angry Populist.

Unfortunately, Trump is not equipped to restore our Constitutional Republic. He is neither a statesman nor a Constitutionalist. His bullying and bluster won't get much traction on Capitol Hill, nor with our allies and enemies.

But this detail matters not to an electorate who can't identify the person our nation capitol was named for, or how many senators their state is granted. Too many seem content to replace a Progressive Populist Divider in Chief with a Corporate Populist Divider in Chief.

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