Wednesday, March 9, 2016

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

I'm ashamed of my fellow Republican voters. We've complained for over seven years about the current President working tirelessly to divide the American people. Obama has taken advantage of every opportunity to alienate us by race, economic status and rule of law.

Instead of capitalizing on the righteous indignation of true Patriots by championing a consistent Conservative Constitutionalist to restore our Republic, droves of Republican voters are endorsing a Populist corporate mogul whose campaign strategy is to whip up the fury of his followers by entertaining them with ugly personal attacks on his opponents.

Do Trump supporters realize that they are trading one Divider-in-Chief for another? While Ted Cruz is answering the call of We the People to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution", Donald Trump demands an oath of allegience from his cult followers.

Ted Cruz, a hero of the truly Conservative Tea Party movement, has worked in the Senate and run his Presidential campaign on the platform of Restoring our Republic, while Trump promotes Rallies of Revenge.

When Cruz is challenged, his response is to consult and empower the Rule of Law under the Constitution. When Trump is challenged, his response is to consult his ego and ridicule his detractors. What will he do when the Legislature, Judiciary, or foreign adversary thwart his grandiose plans? It's too easy to imagine him sidestepping the restrictions of our system of Checks and Balances and legislate his plans by fiat, just like Obama, but with more vitriol.

We had the perfect opportunity to unite behind the ideal antidote to the "fundamental transformation" of our nation. Instead, we've been divided by the the appalling vulgarities of an ego-driven usurper, forever tainting the Grand Old Party with the stain of incivility.

You'd think there was a conscious plot to divide and conquer.

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